For Humanities classes the new year brings new areas of student and beginning preparations for the CRCT.
- 5th Grade: Will be finishing our studies of the Civil War moving into our looking at the aftermath of this conflict for the people of the United States
- 6th Grade: Will begin studying the People, Culture, History and Physical Geography of our neighbor to the North (Canada)
- 7th Grade: Will begin a 3 week unit closing out our study of the Continent of Africa, while focusing on the study of three distinct countries and their History and Culture (Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa)
Because organization has been and continues to be a major problem for many MYP level students of ALL grades. To ensure that parents are well aware of all assignments, projects, test, quizzes etc...ALL students will be required to keep track of these assignments in their agendas which I will sign at the end of each class.
Students will also be required to have ALL homework and assignments in their notebooks at all times with their unit checklists. Unit checklists must be signed by parents on a weekly basis, indicating assignments completed and the grade received.
Each grade level will begin working on CRCT preparatory exercises as we begin preparing ourselves for Georgia's Criterion Reference Competency Test (CRCT) later in the spring.
Below you will find links to state provided CRCT study guides based on grade level. Each study guide is comprehensive (including information for all subject areas, including social studies)
5th Grade Study Guide
6th Grade Study Guide
7th Grade Study Guide