Monday, October 6, 2008

The tests are coming...the tests are coming...

7th Grade students will be taking a test on Friday. Students were given a study guide today in class. The material on this study guide is REVIEW. All of this material has been covered in detail in class and for homework.

Prior to Friday's test, students should be able to define EACH of the vocabulary words and be able to answer each question in their own words. All vocabulary and questions can be found in the home and classwork that students should have in their notebooks. There will be an in-class review session during Wednesday's class.

The 50 States and their capitals:

5th Grade students will be taking a test covering the 50 states very soon. This test will come the week after Fall Break. In the mean time students should continue to study the states we have covered thus far. Students should be familiar with the states and their capitals.