Monday, September 22, 2008

New Units:

7th Grade: On Wednesday, students begin a new unit that will focus on the Nile River and the people and nations who draw their lives and livelihood from the River. This unit will focus on a broader understanding of human interaction with their environment as well as scientific concepts like the water cycle and use of hydro electricity.

Unit Checklist: Also beginning with this unit, students will be given a unit checklist with each assignment and activity that will be covered during this 2 and 1/2 week period.

6th Grade: Students will begin a brief unit on the history of independence movements in Latin America and will explore the continued impact on those nations today.

We will also be looking at the various cultures of Latin America.

5th Grade: Students will begin a review of the 50 states, learning both the states, their location on a map, as well as their capitals. For many students this will be review of their primary years social studies classes. Students will be given a review map along with other aides to assist in learning each of the states.

This unit will also focus on the influence of geography and how that has influenced some of the differences in each of the states (particularly between North and South). This unit serves as a segway into the next unit which begins our exploration of US history, beginning with the Civil War.

Outline Map of the USA can be downloaded from the link below: